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Open Bridge is for adults ages 18+ to collect data for research studies.

The Open Bridge app lets you contribute data for research. It is used by many research organizations who study cognition.

If you choose to join a Open Bridge study, you will use the free app to complete activities on your phone on a pre-set schedule. The activities may resemble puzzles, or they may test your memory. The data collected from the activities help researchers learn more about cognition.

Your data will only be used for research. We will not collect your name through the app. This helps protect your identity.

Every research study is different, but most studies will take about 30-40 minutes each week and will last for different lengths of time. If you are already part of a Mobile Toolbox study, you can contact your Study Coordinator if you have questions about the study you have joined.

Sage Bionetworks, a non-profit research organization in the USA, developed the Open Bridge app. Washington University and Sage Bionetworks developed the activities on the app.

Open Bridge supports research studies. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.